[Math] What does the “evenly” in the term “evenly covered neighborhood” signify


Why, in the definition of covering spaces, are evenly covered neighborhoods called this instead of the more obvious covered neighborhoods? (which also corresponds better to the root/ancestral terms "covering space" and "covering map")

Let $p: C \to X$ be a continuous surjective map between two topological spaces. Then a neighborhood $U \subset X$ is called an evenly covered neighborhood if $p^{-1}(U)$ is the disjoint union of open subsets of $U$, call them $C_i$, such that $p|_{C_i}$, $p$ restricted to any one of the $C_i$, is a homeomorphism between that $C_i$ and $U$.

In other words, if the preimage of $U$ under $p$ is the disjoint union of sets homeomorphic to $U$ under $p$.

Is there some type of regularity or niceness or naturalness inherent to this definition that is lacking from some more general definition? Or would I not be abusing terminology if I called "evenly covered neighborhoods" just "covered neighborhoods"?

Best Answer

Because $p:C\to X$ is surjective and continuous, every open set $U$ in $X$ is covered by its preimage $p^{-1}(U)$ (which is open): here covered means that $p(V)=U$. The adjective evenly is used to mean that $p^{-1}(U)$ is a disjoint union of open sets $U_i$, all homeomorphic to $U$ under $p$; that is, each $p:U_i \longrightarrow U$ an homeomorphism.

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