[Math] What does sup mean


I found this formula regarding calories burned:

Rate per Pound (Cal/lb-min)=A+BV+CV.sup.2 +KDV.sup.3 where:

V=Running Speed (mph)–limited to a minimum of 3 mph and a maximum of
14 mph




D=[0.00801(W/154).sup.0.425 ]/W

W=Weight (lbs)

K=0 or 1 (0=Treadmill; 1=Outdoors)

But what do the .sup.2 and .sup.3stand for? What does it mean?

Best Answer

It means superscript (usually an exponent). For example, the first equation is supposed to read: $$\text{Rate per pound (Cal/lb-min)} = A + BV + CV^2 + KDV^3$$

In my opinion, nobody really writes like that unless they have no way to insert a superscript, which I suspect is the case.