[Math] What does $:=$ mean


What does $:=$ mean? For example:

Consider the subset $ \mathbb{S} = \{ p \in \mathbb {P_4} (
> \mathbb{R,R} ) \ | \ P(2)=0 \} $
Suppose $p$, $q$ are in
$\mathbb{S}$, so $p(2)=q(2)=0$. Then $r := p + q$ is also a polynomial
of degree at most $4$ and $r(2) = p(2) + q(2)=0+0=0$

Is it just another notation for the $=$ sign? Or is there any significance on having a : in front of it?

Best Answer

It usually means: "we are defining what's on the left of := to be what's on the right". This distinction originates from computer languages, where the mere equality symbol "=" denotes an assignment of one variable's value to another's. For example, in Mathematica they use "==" for being equal, and "=" for assignment.

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