[Math] What does “Mathematics of Computation” mean

computational mathematicseducationfoundationsmath-history

I visited this link: http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1950-04-030/S0025-5718-50-99474-9/

And I a bit confused by its title "Mathematics of Computation".

enter image description here

I am not a native English speaker. Could anyone tell me what does this phrase really mean? What's the difference of:

  • Mathematics
  • Calculus
  • Computation

And how could Mathematics be used together with Computation?

I think this could help me get a more deep understanding about What math is. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • What is $42\times 31$?
  • Why should $\underbrace{42+\cdots+42}_\text{31 terms}\vphantom{\dfrac\int{\displaystyle\int}}$ be the same as $\underbrace{31+\cdots+31}_\text{42 terms}$, and similarly for other pairs of numbers than $42$ and $31$?
  • How efficiently can one calculate things like $42\times31$?

The first item above is a problem of computation.

The second is a problem of mathematics.

The third is a problem in the mathematics of computation.

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