[Math] What does it mean to have no proper non-trivial subgroup


I am reading a first course in abstract algebra and there is a claim that says a group $G$ with no proper non trivial subgroups is cyclic. But I don't understand what does it mean to have no proper non trivial subgroup. I know that the identity element is trivial subgroup, all other subgroups are nontrivial and $G$ is the improper subgroup of $G$, and all others are proper subgroups. But what is proper non trivial subgroup? Thanks

Best Answer

For example, in $\{0,1,2,3\}$ (cyclic group of order $4$) the elements $\{0,2\}$ make a subgroup. This is a nontrivial subgroup, and it is not the entire group, so it is a proper subgroup.

The point is that a subgroup is also a subset. Subsets can be proper, or improper (i.e. equal to the big set). Proper subgroups are proper subsets.

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