[Math] What does integration do


I know that integrals are used to compute the area under a curve. Let's say I have $y = x^2$. It creates smaller rectangles and then add up the sum (assuming that rectangles are going infinitely in number and is like going to a limit).

But I recently encountered a problem in my mind. Suppose we have a function, $y = x^2$. If we integrated it, we simply get the anti derivative of it which is $x^3/3$, assuming that the area is not of concern. What is the correlation of $x^3/3$ to $x^2$? I mean, it simply likes transforms a function into another function, but I can't get a clearer picture. When we graph $x^2$ and $x^3/3$, there is no connection visually. They are simply different graphs.

Thanks and I hope your comments can clear up my mind.

Best Answer

The word "integral" is used in two completely different senses. The first, called definite integral, has a simple geometric (or physical) interpretation, the second, called indefinite integral, is accessible only to people having the notion of "derivative of a function of one variable" in their repertoire. It is true that in the one-dimensional case there is a connection between the two notions. This connection is called the fundamental theorem of calculus.

(a) The definite integral: Given some sort of "intensity" $f(x)$ at each point $x$ of some domain $B$ (an interval, a sphere, a cube in ${\mathbb R}^n$, etc.), where $f(x)$ varies with $x$, one can ask for the "total effect" an agent of this intensity could have. This total effect is the integral of $f$ over $B$ and is denoted by $$\int_B f(x){\rm d}(x)$$ (or similar). From the geometric intuition behind it this quantity is a limit of Riemann sums, viz. $$\int_B f(x){\rm d}(x)\ =\ \lim_{\ldots} \sum_k f(\xi_k)\ \mu(B_k)\ ,$$ where the $B_k$ form a disjoint partition of $B$ into very small subdomains and $\mu$ denotes the natural geometric measure (length, surface area, $n$-dimensional volume) in the situation at hand.

(b) The indefinite integral: Given a function $t\mapsto f(t)$ on some interval $I\subset{\mathbb R}$ one may ask: Is this function the derivative of some other function $F(\cdot)$? The answer is yes, and in fact there is an infinite set of such functions $F(\cdot)$, whereby any two of them differ by a constant on $I$. This set of functions is called the indefinite integral of $f$ on $I$ and is denoted by $$\int f(t)\ dt\ .$$

(c) The fundamental theorem of calculus: Given two points $a$, $b\in I$ the difference $F(b)-F(a)$ has the same value for all functions $F\in\int f(t)\ dt$ and may as well be denoted by $$\int_a^b f(t)\ dt\ .$$ Now comes the theorem (and this is the real wonder, not the fact that taking the derivative of the antiderivative of $f$ gives back $f$): When $a<b$ then $$\int_{[a,b]} f(t)\ {\rm d}t = \int_a^b f(t)\ dt\ .$$ Here on the left side we have a limit of Riemann sums, and on the right side a difference of $F$-values.

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