[Math] What does “dual” mean exactly in mathematics


I'm not a math expert but I know a little bit of calculus and theorems. I've heard things like "this result is "dual"", or this "theorem is "dual"". Often people say "dual comes for free". Like you swap variables or something and you get another result.

I've never understood this. Can anyone explain what "dual" means precisely? Examples would be nice as well.


Best Answer

A duality is a pair of related concepts that display a one-to-one translation symmetry, usually (not always) as the result of some form of involution operator.

In classical logic, the operators, $\vee$ and $\wedge$ form a dual, and negation is their involution operator.   This is expressed through deMorgan's Laws:$$\neg(A\vee B) = \neg A\wedge \neg B\\\neg(A\wedge B)=\neg A\vee \neg B$$

Similarly in set algebra, the $\cup$ and $\cap$ operators form a dual, with complementation being the involution. $$(A\cup B)^\complement = A^\complement\cap B^\complement\\ (A\cap B)^\complement=A^\complement\cup B^\complement$$

In predicate logic, the quantifiers, $\forall$ and $\exists$ are a dual, again with negation being the transformation. $$\neg \forall x\;P(x) \iff \exists x\;\neg P(x)\\\neg \exists x\;P(x) \iff \forall x\;\neg P(x)$$

And such.