[Math] What can the comma symbol be used for on the CASIO fx-85ES PLUS scientific calculator


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Scientific calculators have always have that comma or momayyez symbol. Mine, a CASIO fx-85ES PLUS, have it located at SHIFT + ). And everytime I think I'm using it correctly, it says syntax error, and the cursor jumps to whatever is before it.

My question is, how is that symbol used in some mathematical formula input in scientific calculators?

I think I need to add an " equals to something " before the symbol. But i cannot find any "equals to" sign ina ny calculators. Whoch led me to believe, it's there used as a multiple variable setter (like x = 1, -2).

Best Answer

On my Casio fx-85GT PLUS, the comma key (i.e. SHIFT + right parenthesis) can be used:

  1. To convert between rectangular and polar cooordinates. For example: $$ \text{Pol}\left(\sqrt{2}\color{red},\sqrt{2}\right) \\ r=2,\theta=0.7853981 \\ \text{Rec}\left(\sqrt{2}\color{red},\pi\div4\right) \\ X=1,Y=1 $$

  2. To generate random integers, e.g. in the range $1$ to $6$: $$ \text{RanInt#}(1\color{red},6) $$ Then keep pressing the '=' key.

  3. To calculate logarithms to an arbitrary base, such as: $$ \log(2\color{red},16) \\ 4 $$

These examples are in the booklet that came with the calculator. There may be other things you can do with it.

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