Linear Algebra – Properties of the Dual Space of an Infinite-Dimensional Real Vector Space

duality-theoremslinear algebra

What can be said about the dual space of an infinite-dimensional real vector space?

Are both spaces isomorphic? Or shall we have something like the dual of the dual is isomorphic to the initial vector space (same as with the perpendicular subspace in a Hilbert space)?

Best Answer

In the abstract vector space case, where "dual space" is the algebraic dual (the vector space of all linear functionals), a vector space is isomorphic to its (algebraic) dual if and only if it is finite dimensional.

Bill Dubuque gives a nice argument in a sci.math post (see Google Groups or MathForum)

If $\mathbf{V}$ is an infinite dimensional vector space over $\mathbf{F}$ of dimension $d$, then the cardinality of $\mathbf{V}$ as a set is equal to $d|\mathbf{F}|=\max\{d,|\mathbf{F}|\}$, and $\mathbf{V}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbf{F}^{(d)}$ (functions from a set of cardinality $d$ to $\mathbf{F}$ with finite support), and the dual $\mathbf{V}^*$ is isomorphic to $\mathbf{F}^d$ (all functions from a set of cardinality $d$ to $\mathbf{F}$), so $|\mathbf{V}^*| = |\mathbf{F}|^d$.

If the dimension of $\mathbf{V}^*$ is $d'$, we want to show that $d'\gt d$. Note that, as with $\mathbf{V}$, we have $|\mathbf{V}^*|=d'|\mathbf{F}| = \max\{d',|\mathbf{F}|\}$.

Now let $\{\mathbf{e}_n\}$ be a countable linearly independent subset of $\mathbf{V}$, and extend to a basis. For each $c\in \mathbf{F}$, $c\neq 0$, define $\mathbf{f}_c\colon \mathbf{V}\to\mathbf{F}$ by $\mathbf{f}_c(\mathbf{e}_n) = c^n$, and making $\mathbf{f}_c$ equal to $0$ on the rest of the basis. Thet set of all $\mathbf{f}_c$, $c\neq 0$, is linearly independent, so we can conclude that the dimension if $\mathbf{V}^*$ must be at least equal to $|\mathbf{F}|$ (in the finite case, we know the dimension is at least $d\gt |\mathbf{F}|$).

That means that $$|\mathbf{V}^*| = d'|\mathbf{F}| = \max\{d',|\mathbf{F}|\} = d'.$$

But we also know that $|\mathbf{V}^*| = |\mathbf{F}|^d$. Since $d< |\mathbf{F}|^{d}$ (since $|\mathbf{F}|\geq 2$), then $d' = |\mathbf{F}|^d\gt d$, proving that the dimension of $\mathbf{V}^*$ is strictly larger (in the sense of cardinality) than that of $\mathbf{V}$.

The isomorphism in the finite dimensional case is standard.

So for the algebraic dual, there is never an isomorphism in the infinite dimensional case.

In the Hilbert space case (or in a Banach space, or more generally a topological vector space), one usually restricts to the continuous (or bounded) functionals, so that $\mathbf{V}^*$ denotes the bounded functionals rather than the regular functions. In that case, some spaces are topological-vector-space isomorphic to their double duals, and some not, as AD shows in his answer. The ones that are isomorphic are important enough to get their own name (reflexive). Hilbert spaces are always reflexive, and there are other classes of topological vector spaces that are always reflexive (see Wikipedia's page on reflexive spaces).

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