Number Systems – What Base Number System is the Hebrew Language?


In the hebrew bible, there number system is based off of hebrew letters. There is a single digit used going all the way up to 10, then it uses two digits… Untill it gets to 20, which is a single digit again. The actual hebrew numbers go in sequence of: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50,60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400. What base of numbers would that be+

Best Answer

Actually, the values of the letters continue up to 90, then 100, 200, 300, and finally 400 for the tav (see the Wikipedia page on Gematria). (The values for the "terminal letters", like the nun-sofit, are, I believe, more "recent").

But this is not a base system, because the system is not positional, it is aggregate: the value of a latter/symbol does not depend on its position, the way it does in decimal, binary, etc., but only on the letter. So two words that are made up of exactly the same letters, though perhaps in different order, would correspond to the same value. This is not true of positional/base systems.

It's even worse than the Roman numerical system, because there are no positional rules here the way you have for Roman numerals.

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