[Math] What are usual notations for surjective, injective and bijective functions


Update: In the category of sets, an epimorphism is a surjective map and a monomorphism is an injective map. As is mentioned in the morphisms question, the usual notation is $\rightarrowtail$ or $\hookrightarrow$ for $1:1$ functions and $\twoheadrightarrow$ for onto functions. These arrows should be universally understood, so in some sense, this is a narrow duplicate of the morphisms question.

What are usual symbols for surjective, injective and bijective functions? I think in one of Lang's book I saw an arrow with 1:1 e.g. $A\xrightarrow{\rm 1:1}B$ above it to be understood as a bijective function , what are usual notations for surjective, injective and bijective functions?

Update : maybe following notations make sense and are also easily latexed :
$A\xrightarrow{\rm 1:1}B$, $A\xrightarrow{\rm onto}B$, $A\xrightarrow{\rm 1:1,onto}B$

I don't know if these notations make sense with morphisms question, but this question was specific and there was no intent to find an answer for the more general case ( but would definitely be preferred).

Best Answer

I personnaly use $\hookrightarrow$ to mean injection and $\twoheadrightarrow$ to mean surjection. Although I do not have a particular notation to mean bijection, I use $\leftrightarrow$ to mean bijective correspondance.

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