Group Theory – Useful Tricks for Determining Whether Groups Are Isomorphic


In general, it is not too hard to find isomorphisms between two groups when their order is relatively low. However, as their orders grow, it becomes increasingly irritating to write down their entire Cayley tables and such. Is there a set of tricks that is generally useful when trying to prove that two groups are actually isomorphic? After all, it usually seems easier to prove that they aren't, as you just need to point out one property that doesn't correspond…

Example: in Armstrong's Groups and Symmetry, it is asked to show that the dihedral group of order 8 and the subgroup of S4 generated by (1234) and (24) are isomorphic. It is easy to send D4's "single-rotation" element r to S4's (1234) and D4's "flipping" element s to S4's (24), as they are all part of the generating set and their orders coincide, but what is the way to go from here? Also, how far should one go in showing the isomorphism – might pointing out the correspondence in generating elements even be enough?

Best Answer

Proving that two groups are isomorphic is a provably hard problem, in the sense that the group isomorphism problem is undecidable. Thus there is literally no general algorithm for proving that two groups are isomorphic. To prove that two finite groups are isomorphic one can of course run through all possible maps between the two, but that's not fun in general.

For your particular example, there's not much to say. It depends on what you know about $D_4$. If you know a presentation of it, then you can prove that what you've defined is actually a homomorphism which is moreover surjective. Since the two groups have the same order, you're done.

For recognizing a finite group via a presentation you can sometimes use the Todd-Coxeter algorithm.

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