[Math] What are the properties of symmetric, anti-symmetric, and diagonal matrices

linear algebramatrices

I know the definition of each one but I don't know how to answers questions about them, or what their properties are and how I can use them to prove/disprove statements about them.

If P, Q, and D are symmetric, anti-symmetric, and diagonal matrices (of the same size) respectively, how would I go about proving if $Q^{2012} + D^{2013} $ is symmetric? Or if $(P + Q)(P – Q)$ is anti-symmetric?

For the first part how do I prove that all square diagonal matrices multiplied by square diagonal matrices are still diagonal? And are anti-symmetric matrices still anti-symmetric if multiplied by themselves?

Best Answer

In general, given matrices $A,B$ appropriately sized so that $AB$ is defined, we also know that $B^\dagger A^\dagger$ is defined, and in particular that $B^\dagger A^\dagger=(AB)^\dagger.$ (By $\dagger$ I denote transpose.)

Now, for any square matrix $A$ and any integer $n$ for which $A^n$ is defined (negative $n$ make sense if and only if $A$ is invertible, while nonnegative $n$ always make sense), it follows that $\left(A^\dagger\right)^n$ is defined, and that $\left(A^\dagger\right)^n=(A^n)^\dagger.$ (Why?)

From there, we can readily see that (defined) even powers of antisymmetric matrices are symmetric, as are all (defined) integer powers of symmetric matrices.

Since a sum of symmetric matrices of the same size is again symmetric (why?), then it follows that $Q^{2012}+D^{2013}$ is symmetric. (Why?)

For the second, keep in mind that for any matrix $A$ and any constant $c,$ we have $\left(cA\right)^\dagger=cA^\dagger.$ This, together with the above observations, will allow us to conclude (after some manipulation) that $(P+Q)(P-Q)$ is symmetric.