Category Theory – Prerequisites for Learning Category Theory


Is category theory worth learning for the sake of learning it? Can it be used in applied mathematics/probability? I am currently perusing Categories for the Working Mathematician by Mac Lane.

Best Answer

It depends on whether you are talking about Category Theory as a topic in mathematics (on a par with Geometry or Probability) or Category Theory as a viewpoint on mathematics as a whole.

If the former, the main prerequisite is that you should have encountered a situation where you wanted to move from one type of "thing" to another type of "thing": say from a group to its group ring, or from a space to its ring of functions, or from a manifold to its differential graded algebra.

If the latter, then there are no prerequisites and it is a Very Good thing to do! But if the latter, then reading Mac Lane isn't necessarily the best way to go. However, I'm not sure if there is a textbook (or other) that tries to teach elementary mathematics (of any flavour) from a categorical viewpoint. I try to teach this way, but I've not written a textbook! I wrote a bit more on this in response to a question on MO, I copied my answer here.