[Math] What are the inverse operations of the “Partial derivative” and the “Total derivative”


If a univariate function like $f(x)$ is differentiable, we denote its derivative by $\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} x}f(x)$ and its integral by $\int f(x)\mathrm{d} x$. If the function happens to be multivariate we denote its "Partial derivative" by $\frac{\partial }{\partial x_i}f(x_1,\cdots ,x_i,\cdots ,x_n)$ and its total derivative by $\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} x_i}f(x_1,\cdots ,x_i,\cdots ,x_n)$.

Now this is my question:

What are the inverse operations of "Partial derivative" and "Total derivative" of a multivariate function? Do we have such things as "Partial Integral" or "Total integral" of a multivariate function? And if this is true, what do we call such "Partial Integral" and "Total integral" of a multivariate function, and what are the agreed-upon notations for them?

Best Answer

Assume for the moment that $x$, $y$,$z$ are independent variables such that $(x,y,z)$ ranges in an open convex set of ${\mathbb R}^3$.

${\bf 1.\ }$ If you are given a function $(x,y,z)\mapsto f(x,y,z)$ then the indefinite integral $$\int f(x,y,z)\>dx\tag{1}$$ denotes the set of all functions $(x,y,z)\mapsto F(x,y,z)$ satisfying the condition (or PDE) $${\partial F\over\partial x}(x,y,z)=f(x,y,z)\ .\tag{2}$$ If $F_0$ is a solution of $(2)$, found by guessing or by formally integrating $(1)$ with respect to $x$, then the general solution of $(2)$ is given by $$F(x,y,z)=F_0(x,y,z)+G(y,z)\ ,$$ whereby $G$ is an arbitrary (sufficiently smooth) function of its variables $y$ and $z$.

${\bf 2.\ }$ If $(x,y,z)\mapsto F(x,y,z)$ is a scalar function then ${d\over dx}F(x,y,z)$ makes no sense. There is the derivative or differential $dF(x,y,z)$ of $f$, which is for each ${\bf p}=(x,y,z)$ in the domain of $F$ a linear functional on the tangent space $T_{\bf p}$. The geometric representation of this functional is the gradient vector $$\nabla F({\bf p})=\left({\partial F\over\partial x},{\partial F\over\partial y},{\partial F\over\partial z}\right)_{\bf p}\ .$$ Note that $(x,y,z)\mapsto \nabla F(x,y,z)$ constitutes a vector field on the domain in question.

${\bf 3.}\ $Reversing the operation of taking the gradient vector means finding for a given vector field $${\bf f}(x,y,z)=\bigl(u(x,y,z),v(x,y,z),w(x,y,z)\bigr)$$ a scalar function $F$ such that $$\nabla F(x,y,z)={\bf f}(x,y,z)\ .\tag{3}$$ This is not always possible. A necessary condition is that ${\rm curl}({\bf f})\equiv{\bf 0}$. If this condition is fulfilled then you can find an $F$ satisfying $(3)$ either by a recursive scheme ("nested integrals") involving the problem described in ${\bf 1}$, or by computing line integrals as follows: $$F({\bf p})=F({\bf 0})+\int_{\bf 0}^{\bf p}{\bf f}({\bf x})\cdot d{\bf x}\ ,$$ whereby $F({\bf 0})$ is arbitrary.

${\bf 4.\ }$ A "function $f\bigl(x,y(x)\bigr)$", where $x\mapsto y(x)$ is in principle given is a function $$\phi(x):=f\bigl(x,y(x)\bigr)$$ of one variable $x$, and the usual rules of Calculus 101 plus the multivariable chain rule apply. E.g., $$\phi'(x)=f_{.1}\bigl(x,y(x)\bigr)\cdot 1+f_{.2}\bigl(x,y(x)\bigr)\cdot y'(x)\ ,$$ and $$\int f\bigl(x,y(x)\bigr)\>dx=\Phi(x)+C\ ,$$ whereby $\Phi'(x)=\phi(x)$.

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