Finite Groups – Finite Subgroups of SU(2,C)

finite-groupsgroup-theorylinear algebra

Is there any reference which classifies the finite subgroups of $SU_2(C)$ up to conjugacy ?

What I know is that lifting the finite subgroups of $SO_3(R)$ by the map $SU_2(C) \rightarrow PSU_2(C)$ gives rise to the groups : cyclic groups of even order, dicyclic groups, binary tetrahedral/octahedral/icosahedral groups. But I dont know if they are the only one.

Best Answer

The image of a finite subgroup of $\text{SU}(2)$ in $\text{SO}(3)$ is a finite subgroup of $\text{SO}(3)$; moreover, the kernel is either trivial or $\{ \pm 1 \}$. But $-1$ is the unique element of order $2$ in $\text{SU}(2)$, so any group of even order contains it.

I claim all the finite subgroups of odd order are cyclic. This follows because the inclusion $G \to \text{SU}(2)$ cannot define an irreducible representation of $G$ (since otherwise $2 | |G|$), hence it must break up into a direct sum of dual $1$-dimensional representations.

So once you know the finite subgroups of $\text{SO}(3)$, you already know the finite subgroups of $\text{SU}(2)$.

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