[Math] What are the English names for the rules for expanding a sum or a difference squared




What are these two called in English? Are they called anything at all? I looked around on some math websites and Wikipedia, but I didn't find these rules. I did find the conjugate rule for the difference of two squares. That was useful, and I have now memorized that name, but that was not exactly what I was looking for.

Maybe they are not considered to be noteworthy rules so they have not been given a name in the English speaking world?


These are called "kvadreringsregler" in Swedish. I have found some translations to other languages, but not to English.

  • Danish: Kvadratsætningen
  • Swedish: Kvadreringsreglerna
  • Norwegian: Kvadratsetningene
  • Polish: Wzory skróconego mnożenia
  • French: Identité remarquable
  • English: ???

The proposed "binomial theorem" is called "binomialsatsen" in Swedish. This is considered to be a more generalized form of "kvadreringsregelerna". The French name for this literally translates into "remarkable identities". That gave me some interesting web search results.

We call remarkable identities to [sic] some binomial products that appear
very often in calculations with algebraic expressions.

Source: Mathspadilla

Could this be it?

Best Answer

I call both those identities binomial squares in my classes.