[Math] What are the coordinates of the vertices of a regular tetrahedron, relative to its centroid


I am trying to draw an equilateral/regular tetrahedron in Processing (subset of Java), so I have to define 4 triangles that meet at the 4 vertices. I have been able to find the coordinates for the vertices assuming 1 of the vertices is at the origin.

However, the tetrahedron rotates, and I would like its rotation to be about its centroid. This where I get stuck, I need to define the 4 planes of the tetrahedron when the centroid is at the origin.

I hope my question is clear. :/ Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I happened to have a suitable image on my laptop (for my freshman course), so I couldn't resist methane molecule

It is supposed to be a methane molecule as opposed to a tetrahedron, so think of the hydrogen atoms (green) as vertices of the tetrahedron. As you see, this is the second arrangement in Old John's (+1) answer. One vertex is at the point $(1,1,1)$ and the other three at the points $(\pm1,\pm1,\pm1)$ with exactly two minus signs occuring. In other words, four selected corners of a cube.

I second Old John's opinion that this is very well suited for 3D-rotations, because you surely know the effect of a rotation on the cube...