Number Theory – Examples of Theories Stronger than Presburger Arithmetic but Weaker than Peano Arithmetic

logicnumber theory

What are some examples of theories stronger than Presburger Arithmetic but weaker than Peano Arithmetic? Are all such theories decidable? If not, by what methods other than Gödelization can undecidability be established?

EDIT: Both answers have indicated Robinson Arithmetic as an intermediate theory, but I don't understand how it can be "stronger" than Presburger Arithmetic in any reasonable way, because Robinson Arithmetic cannot prove commutativity of addition. I have attempted to define "stronger" in the comments. I would appreciate any suggestions for how to clarify the question and this definition.

Best Answer

Peano arithmetic is relatively strong, and decidable theories of arithmetic like Presburger Arithmetic are fairly unusual. Here's a "tower" of three theories between the two, of increasing strength:

  1. Robinson's Q, which is an induction-free axiomatisation of arithmetic, that gives addition and mutliplication as its only function constants. It cannot prove exponentiation total;
  2. Exponential function arithmetic (EFA) has an exponentiation operator and a very limited form of induction. It cannot prove iterated exponentiation (a.k.a. tetration) total;
  3. Primitive recursive arithmetic is sometimes axiomatised as Peano arithmetic but with induction restricted to formulae without universal quantification (it is more usually given as a purely equational theory). It cannot prove the Ackermann function total.

Note how I've distinguished them by which arithmetic operators thay have, and which they cannot prove total. This is a very natural measure of the strength of theories of arithmetic: an essential part of proving the incompleteness theorem is providing a diagonalisation operation, which we can do only if we have multiplication. These theories have this, and so all of these theories admit the incompleteness theorems.

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