[Math] What are some applications of Mathematics to the medical field


This semester I'm charged with finding a senior capstone project for next year. I've given it a lot of thought and can't seem to find any interesting ideas that are appropriate for my level of mathematics:

I am a junior with A's in:

  • ODEs/PDEs
  • Linear Algebra
  • Topology
  • Organic Chemistry 1/2
  • Cellular Biology
  • Introduction to Biochemistry

and am currently enrolled in Combinatorics and Complex Variables. I've approached several of my professors and asked for some project ideas but they've not given me anything at all. I'm not asking for you to give me a project to do without me having to do anything. I just want to get a feel for what some applications are to some of the more interesting fields, like Combinatorics and something that is somewhat related to all this, Chaos Theory.

Best Answer

Tomography, which is now used heavily nowadays as a diagnostic tool, relies on rather deep mathematics to work properly. There is in particular the Radon transform and its inverse, which are useful for reconstructing a three-dimensional visualization of body parts from "slices" taken by a CAT scanner.