[Math] What are “sets that don’t contain itself” in Russell’s paradox


What are "sets that don't contain itself" in Russell's paradox?

Since I think that for a set having to contain itself is intuitive and if a set doesn't contain itself, then the cardinality ought to be less than.

However, I don't understand how sets of different sizes could even be considered to be equal? Thus, isn't a set that doesn't contain itself an impossibility?

Best Answer

The issue here is the interpretation of the verb "contain". "Contain" here means contain as an element, not as a subset. By this interpretation, almost no natural sets one would think of contain themselves, and thus it's far from an impossibility. For instance, the empty set does not contain itself. It doesn't contain anything. Also the set $\{3\}$ does not contain itself. Its only element is $3.$ $\{3\}$ is not an element of it.

It's harder to think of a set that does contain itself. A non-rigorous example is "the set of all things that are not vanilla ice cream." Since "the set of all things that are not vanilla ice cream", whatever it is, is certainly not vanilla ice cream, this set is an element of itself.

And yet, per Russell, even though it seems a perfectly normal property for a set to not contain itself, the set of all sets that do not contain themselves is a paradoxical construct, since this set would contain itself if and only if it did not contain itself.

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