Elementary Set Theory – Well Ordering Principle for Rationals


Why can positive rationals be not well ordered? If we define the relation to be greater than(>), then every subset will have a least element. Or why are positive or even integers not well ordered? By the same logic we can always find a least element in any subset. I know I am wrong at some very fundamental point, but please explain it to me.

Best Answer

Your claim isn't true.

The positive rationals can be well-ordered

Since $\mathbb{Q}$ bijects with $\mathbb{N}$, the well-ordering on $\mathbb{N}$ will induce a well-ordering on $\mathbb{Q}$ and hence on the positive rationals.


The usual ordering of positive rationals is not a well-ordering

The usual ordering is, of course, $\frac{a}{b}>\frac{c}{d}$ if and only if $ad>bc$ (where $a,b,c,d$ are positive integers).

If it is a well-ordering, then there is a least positive rational $p/q$. But halving it gives a smaller positive rational $p/(2q)$, so $p/q$ can't be the least, contradiction.

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