[Math] Well Ordering Principle for a sum and why we only care about the set less than the smallest in our counter example set

discrete mathematics

I was trying to prove:

$$ \sum_{i=1}^n{i} = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$$

using the WOP.

I think the part that is confusing me about this proof is a more general pattern for proofs by WOP.

To prove it we say that there exists a set of counter examples:

$$C = \{ n \in \mathbb{N} \mid \sum_{i=1}^n{i} \neq \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \} $$

So we know the claim is false for the the smallest element, say c, $n = c$ but the claim is true for $n<c$. My question is very simple. Why do we focus on the truth that it holds for $n<c$ but neglect/ignore other elements that might make the sum true? i.e. why do we not state instead that the sum (i.e. $\sum_{i=1}^n{i} = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$) is True for:

$$T = \{ (n<c) \cup n \notin C\}$$

i.e. include not only $n < c$?

Does that omission affect the proof or is stating only the set $n<c$ a way to restrict our attention to the set that matters to reach the contradiction?

Best Answer

Let me begin by saying that we do not assume that the statement is true for all values $n$ such that $c < n$. I think you may have misspoken in writing that.

Your last sentence is correct. We assume that the statement is true for all $n < c$, and we are required to deduce from this that it is also true for $c$, whence a contradiction.

The reason we don't talk about the other values $n > c$ for which the statement is true, is that we know little about them. Our only assumption is that $c$ is the smallest value for which the statement is false. This does allow us to conclude that the statement is true for values $n < c$, but usually allows us to say nothing about values $n > c$.

In specific instances, it may be possible to deduce something about values $n > c$ from the assumption that $c$ is the smallest number for which the statement is false, and any method of deriving a contradiction will do the job. But this is not the case in general.

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