[Math] Well-ordered set countability


I know there are well-ordered sets that are not countable.

Suppose you are given an uncountable, well-ordered set $S$.

Isn't it possible to provide a bijection $f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow S$ as following?

$S$ is well-ordered, so it has the smallest element, say $s_1$. $S \setminus$ {$s_1$} is also well-ordered, so there is the next smallest element, $s_2$, Similarly, there is the next smallest element $s_3$, and so on.

Continuing like this, define $f(i) = s_i$.

I know there is something wrong with this, but I cannot really see why…

Best Answer

Suppose you are given an uncountable, well-ordered set $S$.

Isn't it possible to provide a bijection $f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow S$

No. $\mathbb N$ is countable. You will end up with a set of elements $\{s_1,s_2,s_3,\dots\}$, but there will exist elements you have not covered. There is nothing in your definition that demands you covered all of the elements.

An example (not a well ordered set, I know, but may still illustrate my point) is if you look at the set $$S=\left\{\frac12, \frac23, \frac34, \dots, \frac{n}{n+1},\dots\right\}\cup[1,2]$$

The procedure you described works on $S$, although $S$ is not well ordered. It takes $\frac12 = s_1$ as it is the least element. Then it takes $s_2=\frac23$ and so on. It produces $s_i = \frac{i}{i+1}$ which is an injection from $\mathbb N$ to $S$, but it does not cover the whole $S$.

Edit: In fact, you can even take the set $$T=\left\{\frac12, \frac23, \frac34, \dots, \frac{n}{n+1},\dots\right\}\cup\{1\},$$ whic is well ordered and is even countable, but your procedure still does not produce a bijection from $\mathbb N$ to $T$.

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