Algebraic Geometry – Weil and Cartier Divisors on a Curve


I'm trying to understand the relationship between Weil divisors and Cartier divisors, and I would like to see why these are the same in the simple case where $X$ is a nonsingular projective curve over an algebraically closed field. What is the most concrete way of explaining the equivalence between the two sorts of divisors in this situation? In particular, if $P \in X$ is a closed point thought of as a prime Weil divisor, what is the Cartier divisor corresponding to $P$? What about the invertible sheaf corresponding to $P$?

Best Answer

1) The Cartier divisor corresponding to the Weil divisor $1.P$ is given by the pair $s=\lbrace (U,z),(V, 1) \rbrace$ described as follows:
$\bullet$ $U$ is an open neigbourhood of $P$ and $z$ is a regular function on $U$ whose sole zero is $P$ with multiplicity one.
$\bullet \bullet$ $V=X\setminus \lbrace P\rbrace $ and of course $1$ is the constant function equal to $1$ on $V$.
(This pair determines a section $s\in \Gamma(X,\mathcal K^* _X/\mathcal O^*_X)$ if you unravel what it means to be a section of a quotient sheaf.)

2) The invertible sheaf corresponding to $P$ is the sheaf denoted by $\mathcal O(P)$.
Its $k$-vector space of sections $\Gamma(W,\mathcal O(P))$ over an open subset $W\subset X$ consists of those rational functions $f\in Rat(W)=Rat(X)$ regular on $W$ except perhaps at $P$, where $f$ is allowed a pole of order at most $1$.

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