[Math] Weak formulation with Dirichlet boundary conditions

partial differential equationssobolev-spaces

Let's consider the one-dimensional ODE: $$ u_{,xx}(x)+1=0,\quad \forall x\in ]0,\ell[$$
together with the two Dirichlet boundary conditions $u(0)=0$ and $u(\ell)=0$.

The corresponding weak formulation is: Find $u\in H_0^1(0,\ell)$ such that $\forall v\in H_0^1(0,\ell)$: $$\int_0^\ell v_{,x}(x)u_{,x}(x)\,\mathrm{d}x=\int_0^\ell v(x)\,\mathrm{d}x$$

My question is on the fact that the test function $v$ has to belong to $H_0^1(0,\ell)$. I am aware that if $v\in H^1(0,\ell)$, then the weak formulation involves boundary terms in $vu_{,x}$ that are unknown, hence we specify $v\in H_0^1(0,\ell)$ to somehow get rid of them but:

  • How do we know that, by doing so, we are not modifying the equivalence between the strong and weak formulations?
  • If we rewrite the weak formulation as follows: Find $u\in H_0^1(0,\ell)$ such that $\forall v\in H^1(0,\ell)$: $$\int_0^\ell v_{,x}(x)u_{,x}(x)\,\mathrm{d}x=\int_0^\ell v(x)\,\mathrm{d}x+v(x)u_{,x}(x)\Big|_0^\ell$$
    it cannot be solved, but why exactly? Is there some kind of operator that cannot be inverted (this is what happens in the discretized version)

Best Answer

The strong formulation implies the weak formulation; this follows after integrating by parts. To show that the weak formulation actually implies the strong formulation for functions $u$ with two derivatives that have sufficient regularity, note that the weak formulation implies that $$\int_0^lu_{xx}v=-\int_0^lv_xu_x=-\int_0^lv,$$ which implies that $$\int_0^l(u_{xx}+1)v=0$$ for all $v\in H_0^1(0,l)$. If again $u_{xx}$ is sufficiently regular, there exists a sequence $(v_n)$ in $C_c^{\infty}(0,l)$ that approximates $u_{xx}+1$ in the $L^2$ norm; this will imply that $$\int_0^l(u_{xx}+1)^2=\lim_{n\to\infty}\int_0^l(u_{xx}+1)v_n=0.$$ Therefore, $u_{xx}+1=0$, which is the strong formulation.

For your second question, usually what happens here is that, to obtain coercivity, we want to control the $H_0^1$ norm of a function $v$ just by the $L^2$ norm of $u_x$; this follows from Poincare's inequality. But, Poincare's inequality does not hold for general $H^1$ functions.

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