[Math] Ways to select three-man teams

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

In a competition there are 18 competitors. Answer the following:

A) During the first day they're competing in three-man teams (total of 6 teams). How many ways are there to select the teams?

B) If the main sponsor of the event demands that the four best ranked players mustn't play in the same groups, how many ways can you then select the teams?

I've tried the following:

A) There are (18*17*16 + 15*14*13 + 12*11*10 +…+ 3*2*1) ways to select the teams, and if the order of the groups mattered we would just multiply that wit 6!

However,this gives me approximately 700,000 ways, whereas the correct number of ways according to the book is ~190,000,000

B) The four best players must each be in a different group. Therefore we "lock" their positions. (1*14*13 + 1*12*11 + 1*10*9 + 1*8*7 + 6*5*4 + 3*2*1) gives us the ways to select the teams, and if the order of the groups matters, we multiply that with 6!

Once again, this value is far too small according the the book. Either my calculations are way off or the book is wrong.

Best Answer

For (a), as an earlier comment stated, you're making order matter by using a permutation. So, for example, you have $18$ choices for the first person on Team 1, $17$ choices for the second, and $16$ choices for the third. Just as you wrote, this makes $18\cdot 17\cdot 16$ choices. However, from those three people, we could have chosen the first person $3$ ways, the second $2$ ways, and the final person $1$ way. Therefore, $18\cdot 17\cdot 16$ overcounts the number of teams by a factor of $3\cdot 2 \cdot 1$. That means there are $\frac{18\cdot 17\cdot 16 }{3\cdot 2 \cdot 1}$ ways to choose the first team. This is equivalent to the binomial coefficient $\binom{18}{3}$, if you're familiar with combinations.

However, following this idea for each team will make your answer smaller, whereas your answer is too small to begin with. What you want to do is multiply those fractions rather than add them. Here we're determining one team and then determining another and then determining a third... Often, when an "and" appears as part of how you would complete a task (as above), that means you multiply. An "or", on the other hand, tells you to add; for example, if you wanted to make only one team, and you wanted to know how many ways there were to create a team of either three or four people from 18, you'd calculate

$$\frac{18\cdot 17\cdot 16 }{3\cdot 2 \cdot 1} + \frac{18\cdot 17\cdot 16\cdot 15}{4\cdot 3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1}$$