Combinatorics – Ways to Put Numbered Balls in Boxes with No Box Being Empty


I know the formula for putting $n$ identical balls in $r$ different boxes such that each box has at least 1 ball, but what is the formula for putting $n$ different balls in $r$ different boxes, no box being empty?


Best Answer

You can do this by inclusion/exclusion. There are $\binom r0r^n$ ways of putting the $n$ balls into the $r$ boxes. From this we have to subtract the $\binom r1(r-1)^n$ ways of putting the $n$ balls into just $r-1$ of the boxes. To this we have to add the $\binom r2(r-2)^n$ ways of putting the $n$ balls into just $r-2$ of the boxes, and so on, so

$$a_n=\sum_{k=0}^r\binom rk(-1)^{r-k}k^n=\left.\left(q\frac{\partial}{\partial q}\right)^n(q-1)^r\right|_{q=1}\;.$$

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