[Math] way to find the area between two curves without having to graph them


More specifically, if you are given two functions and you are asked to find the area between the two curves is there a way to do it without having to graph them. So far in calculus class we are taught to graph them to see which one is the upper function and which one is the lower function. For example,

If you are given the following two functions is there a way to find which one is the upper function and lower function without having to graph them?

$x=y-\frac{y^2}{4}$ and $x=\frac{y}{4}$

Best Answer

There is not, for polynomials at least, any need to even see which is on top on the various intervals determined.

Example:$$f(x)=2x^3-6x^2+13x, \\ g(x)=x^3+x^2+x.$$ Begin by factoring the difference: $f(x)-g(x)=x(x-3)(x-4).$ [really not so easy for arbitrary polynomials, but likely works if doing a typical calc exercise.]

We see the zeros of the difference are $0,\ 3,\ 4.$ Since dealing with an area between graphs, the regions before $0$ and after $4$ are not considered (would contribute infinite areas). In the usual method one would see which is on top on each of the intervals $[0,3]$ and $[3,4]$ etc. But since area over each is the integral of the absolute value of $f-g$, which over each is either $f-g$ or $g-f$ [since the crossing point at $3$ was removed], we can complete the process of getting the total area as follows.

Step (1) Get (an) antiderivative $F(x)$ of the difference. Here $F(x)=(1/4)x^4-(7/3)x^3+6x^2.$

Step (2) evaluate $F(x)$ at each intersection point. Here $F(0)=0,\ F(3)=45/4,\ F(4)=32/3.$

Step (3) Add the absolute values of the successive differences. $(45/4-0)+(45/4-32/3)=45/4+7/12=71/6.$

So the area is $71/6,$ and we didn't need to know which function is on top during the intervals between intersections. I think this method also works for other reasonable functions defined on the reals, provided we can get effectively a list of values where the functions are equal, and we can successfully get a closed form antiderivative, and we are not interested in evaluationg improper integrals (which might converge in some cases).

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