General Topology – Working with Zariski Topology and Limits


As someone who is very fond of analysis, I feel most comfortable working in topological spaces via the notion of convergence of sequences (or nets, in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, etc.). In every metric space (or first-countable topological space) anything you can say about the topology can be said in terms of convergent sequences (though perhaps less elegantly). In arbitrary topological spaces, one can use nets instead. However, if the space is not Hausdorff then nets don't have unique limits, which makes it quite difficult to work with them the way one is used to working with sequences (of real numbers, say). This is the case with the Zariski topology on $\mathbb{C}^n$ (I have no urgent desire to consider more general algebraic varieties). Is there some convenient way to express the Zariski topology (that is: its closed sets, the continuous functions it allows,…) in terms of some "convergence structure" which satisfies properties similar to those we have in any sequential/metric/first-countable space?

Best Answer

I don't think that there is a useful way to do what you ask (namely to work with limits/convergence); as other answers have explained, the non-Hausdorff nature of the Zariski topology (among other things) makes this difficult.

On the other hand, most basic lemmas in topology/analysis which can be proved via a consideration of convergent sequences can normally also be proved via arguments with open sets instead, and so your intuition for the topology of metric spaces can to some extent be carried over, if you are willing to make these sort of translations. At some point (if you practice), and with a bit of luck, the translation will become automatic (or at least close to automatic). (Although you may think of non-Hausdorffness as a serious pathology that invalidates what I've just said, in the end it's less serious psychologically than it seems at first --- at least in my experience.)

Speaking for myself, I certainly regard the Zariski topology as a topology, just like any other (meaning that I don't think of it as some other thing which happens to satisfy the axioms of a topology; I think of it as a topology in a genuine sense). It is just that it doesn't allow many closed sets: only those which can be cut out as the zero locus of a polynomial.

So a good way to practice thinking about the Zariski topology is to more generally practice thinking about topologies in terms of what kinds of closed sets are allowed, or, more precisely, what kinds of functions are allowed to cut out closed sets as their zero loci.

Thinking in terms of functions is a way of bridging the analytic intuition that you seem to like and the general topological formalism that underlies the Zariski topology. What I mean is: in standard real analysis, if you have a continuous function on $\mathbb R^n$ (or a subset thereof), its zero locus is closed. One way to think about this is via sequences (this is a way that you seem to like): if $f(x_n) = 0$ for each member of a convergent sequence, then $f(\lim_n x_n) = 0$ too, as long as $f$ is continuous.

Now, when working with the Zariski topology, you have to throw away the argument with sequences, but you can still keep the consequence: the zero locus of a "continuous" function is closed. The key point is that now the only functions that you are allowed to think of as being continuous are polynomials. This may take some getting used to, but is not so bad (after all, polynomials are continuous in the usual topology on $\mathbb C^n$ as well!).

Summary: It doesn't seem possible to work rigorously with a sequence/convergence point of view, but (a) it is not so misleading for very basic topological facts; and (b) another analytic view-point that is very helpful is to think about the topology in terms of its closed sets being zero-loci of continuous functions --- you just have to restrict the functions that you call "continuous" to be polynomials.