[Math] Wave Equation Solution by Factoring Operators

partial differential equations

To solve the Wave Equation

$$ u_{tt} – c^2 u_{xx} = 0$$

One method is to start with operator factorization

$$ u_{tt} – c^2 u_{xx} =
\bigg( \frac{\partial }{\partial t} – c \frac{\partial }{\partial x} \bigg)
\bigg( \frac{\partial }{\partial t} + c \frac{\partial }{\partial x} \bigg)
u = 0

Then it is claimed the solution is

$$u(x,t) = f(x+ct) + g(x-ct)$$

where $f$ ve $g$ are arbitrary functions of single variable.

The proof goes by letting $v = u_t + cu_x$


$$ v_t – cv_x = 0 $$

has to be true. Then simultaneously the two equations are solved

$$ v_t – cv_x = 0 $$

$$ u_t + cu_x = v $$

We know the solution for the top equation above is

$$ v(x,t) = h(x+ ct) $$

where $h$ is an arbitrary function. Now wave equation is

$$ u_t + cu_x = h(x + ct) $$

Here is what I do not understand. At this point that a solution is guessed as $u(x,t) = f(x+ct)$ and the book says "it is easy to check by differentiation"

$f'(s) = h(s) / 2c$.

What do I do with $h(s) / 2c$? Is the proof complete with this conclusion? When I plug in $f(x+ct)$ for $u(x,t)$ yes, I do get this equality but how does this help?

Also, after proving $f(x+ct)$ is a solution, then magically a $g(x-ct)$ is added, where does this come from? I do understand linear independence, but why didnt we add $g(x+2ct)$ for example?


Best Answer

It's easier to understand if you change to new variables $\xi=x+ct$ and $\eta=x-ct$. Then the PDE becomes $\partial^2 u/\partial \xi \partial \eta = 0$. Integration with respect to $\eta$ gives $\partial u/\partial \xi = f(\xi)$ with $f$ an arbitrary function (the "constant" of integration, constant here meaning "independent of $\eta$"). Integrating again, now with respect to $\xi$, gives $u=F(\xi)+g(\eta)$ with $g$ an arbitrary function and $F$ the antiderivative of $f$.

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