[Math] Volume of a horizontal cylinder using height of liquid

calculusdefinite integralsintegrationvolume

“Tanks” are cylinders with circular cross-section and axis horizontal. These cylinders are
variable in size with radius and length different for each tank.

We need to determine the amount of liquid in a buried tank. We do this by “sticking”, that is, we insert a dipstick through an opening over the deepest part of the buried container until the dipstick touches the bottom, then we pull the stick out and read the liquid level showing on the stick.

I need a formula for converting the height shown on the stick to the volume of liquid in the tank.

Best Answer

Area found by integration of circle segment.

$$ y= h/R\,;\; Volume = (Length/\pi) ( \cos^{-1}(1-y)-(1-y) \sqrt { y( 2-y)}) $$

Plotted y vs Volume.


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