[Math] Volume form on a compact manifold is not exact


I am trying to show that a volume form $\mu$ on a compact manifold $M$ is not exact, i.e. show there is no $\alpha \in \Omega^{n-1}(M)$ such that $d\alpha = \mu$.

My attempt is the following: Suppose, as a contradiction, that $\mu$ is exact. Then, there exist an $(n-1)$-form $\alpha$ such that $d\alpha = \mu$. Then, since compact manifolds are manifolds without boundary, by stokes theorem we know that $\int_M \mu = \int_M d\alpha = \int_{\partial M} \alpha = 0$ since $M$ has no boundary. From here I am not sure how to continue to end my contradiction. I would appreciate any hint or suggestions for the problem. Thanks!

Best Answer

By definition, the integral over a manifold of a top (volume) form must be positive. Thus, since we have that $\int_M \mu = 0$, this is the contradiction we are looking for and so we deduce that a volume form on a compact manifold is not exact.

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