[Math] Visualizing Lie groups.


I like to visualize lie groups as flows on some manifold.

For example:

$SO(2)$ can be visualized as rotations of $S^1$ and it's lie algebra as constant vector fields on $S^1$.

Or $SO(1,1)$ can be visualized as flows on hyperbola $\{ (x,y) : x^2-y^2 = 1 \}$.

In general I visualize Lie group as subgroup of diffeomorphisms of some manifold and elements of lie algebra as vector field on this manifold

From these visualizations one can see that $SO(2)$ is connected and its exponential mapping is onto but one-to-one. And that $O(2)$ has two components. Or that $O(1,1)$ has four components.

So I would like to know if I can visualize other groups like Heisenberg group, symplectic group?

Is there a way how can I see that Lie group is simply connected?

Best Answer

Here are a few more examples you can easily "visualize":

  1. $SO(3)$ is isometric to the projective space $\mathbb R P^3$, when both are equipped with the standard metrics. Its Lie algebra $(\mathfrak{so}(3),[,])$ is isomorphic to $(\mathbb R^3,\times)$ endowed with the cross product;

  2. $SO(4)$ is isometric to $S^3\times S^3/\mathbb Z_2$, the quotient of the product of two $3$-spheres by an involution;

  3. $SU(2)$ is isometric to the $3$-sphere $S^3$, when both have the standard metrics. Also the symplectic group $Sp(1)$ is isomorphic to $SU(2)$. As such, $SU(2)$ and $Sp(1)$ are the (universal) double cover of $SO(3)=\mathbb R P^3$.

In particular, all of the above are compact and connected Lie groups.

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