[Math] Very large table of the Möbius function


The Möbius function is important in analytic number theory for many reasons.

I'd like to pre-compute a big table of values of the Möbius function to test a few things (sum of Möbius function, i.e. Mertens function, and other similar things, etc.).

Because building a table of Möbius function involves quite long computation (it requires to find the number of prime divisors of each integer):

  1. Is there an online resource that provides a table of $\mu(n)$ for n = 1 … 10^10 ?

  2. If not, with which programming language would you do this? Maybe would you have open-source code for this?

Best Answer

This may help: Gevorg Hmayakyan wrote a short paper which gives a recursive formula for the $\mu(n)$.


It's not for the faint of heart, however. But maybe a faster algorithm could come out of it.