[Math] Vertical harpoon (half-arrow) notation


I am studying a paper about Subgroups of Infinite Symmetric Groups by Macpherson and Neumann; throughout the paper, the authors use the notation $\upharpoonright$.

For example, when they seek to topologize an infinite symmetric group $Sym(\Omega)$, they define the closure of a subset $X$ of $Sym(\Omega)$ as such:

$\{f \in Sym(\Omega) \ |$ for all finite subsets $\Phi$ of $\Omega$ there exists $x \in X$ such that $x\upharpoonright\Phi=f\upharpoonright\Phi\}$

The authors don't define this notation, but they use it in several proofs. What do the authors mean when they use it?

Best Answer

It is the truncation of a function to a particular set. That is, the subset of the function that has first-entries from the particular set.

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