[Math] Vertex degree and graph isomorphism

graph theorygraph-isomorphism

Suppose I have two simple graphs $G(V,E)$ and $H(V,E)$ with number of vertices $N$. And $\forall i \quad \text{such that}\quad 0<i<N$

No:of elements in $V(G)$ with degree $i $ = No:of elements in $V(H)$ with degree $i$

Where $V(G)$ is the vertex set of $G$.

Given this can we say that $H$ and $G$ are isomorphic?

If they are not isomorphic. Then what is such a relation called?

Best Answer

The two graphs $G$ and $H$ satisfying the condition you describe are said to have the same degree sequence. But this does not necessarily imply that the two graphs are isomorphic. It is possible to construct two graphs that have the same degree sequence but which are not isomorphic.

There is no known list of graph properties (be it the degree sequence, any other graph invariant, or even a combined list of such invariants) that provides a sufficient condition for two given graphs to be isomorphic.

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