Computability – Turing-Completeness for Total Programming Languages


Languages like Agda, and Charity are not turing complete. However, they are still useful languages because they are able to simulate any provably terminating Turing machine. Is there a term for this kind of sub-Turing-completeness? I suppose this class of programming languages would correspond to the family of recursive languages, but is there a term specifically for programming languages/computational frameworks (like Agda, the simply typed lambda calculus, etc…) where the set of formal languages it can accept is exactly the recursive languages?

Best Answer

Take any Turing-complete programming language and any useful consistent formal system $S$ ("useful" meaning that it has a proof verifier and interprets arithmetic). Then (as described in the linked post), given any program $P$ and input $X$, if $P$ halts on $X$ then $S$ can prove the output. In fact (omitting the coding and interpretation function for convenience) there is a $3$-parameter $Σ_1$-sentence $run$ over PA such that:

  1. For any program $P$ that halts on an input $X$:

    • $S \vdash run(P,X,P(X))$.

    • $S \vdash \neg run(P,X,Y)$ for every string $Y \ne X$.

  2. For any program $P$ that does not halt on input $X$:

    • $\mathbb{N} \vDash \neg run(P,X,Y)$ for every string $Y$.
  3. For any explicitly primitive recursive program $P$ (using only for-loops):

    • $S \vdash \forall x\ \exists y\ ( run(P,x,y) )$.
  4. For any program $P$ on input $X$ that reaches a simple infinite-loop code:

    • $S \vdash \neg \exists y\ ( run(P,X,y) )$.
  5. For any programs $P,Q,R$:

    • $S \vdash \forall x,y\ \Big( run(( t \mapsto \text{if $P(t)$ then $Q(t)$ else $R(t)$} ),x,y)$

      $\quad \quad \quad \quad \leftrightarrow \exists z\ ( run(P,x,z) \land z \ne 0 \land run(Q,x,y) ) \lor ( run(P,x,0) \land run(R,x,y) ) \Big)$.

  6. For any program $P$ that halts on input $X$:

    • $S \vdash \forall w\ ( run((t \mapsto P(X)),w,P(X)) )$.

Also, for any program $P$, define $total(P)$ to be the sentence $\forall x\ \exists y\ ( run(P,x,y) )$.

Firstly, if $S$ is $Σ_1$-sound, then given any program $P$, if $S \vdash total(P)$ then $P$ is total, because for every (standard) string $x$ we have $S \vdash \exists y\ ( run(P,x,y) )$ and hence $\mathbb{N} \vDash \exists y\ ( run(P,x,y) )$, which implies by (2) that $P$ halts on $x$. Similarly, if $S \vdash \neg total(P)$ then $P$ is really not total, because by (2) we have $\mathbb{N} \vDash \forall y\ ( \neg run(P,x,y) )$.

But (assuming just consistency of $S$) there is a total program $Q$ such that $S \nvdash total(Q)$. Let $φ$ be a $1$-parameter $Δ_0$-sentence over PA such that $\mathbb{N} \vDash \forall x\ ( φ(x) )$ but $S \nvdash \forall x\ ( φ(x) )$, which exists by the incompleteness theorem (as shown in the linked post). Then let $Q$ be a program that uses primitive recursion to evaluate $φ$ on the input string and then halts if it is true but loops forever otherwise. $Q$ is total, but $S \nvdash total(Q)$, because $S \vdash \forall x\ ( φ(x) \lor \neg \exists y\ ( run(Q,x,y) )$ by construction of $Q$ and (1),(3),(4),(5).

And there is also a non-total program $R$ such that $S \nvdash \neg total(R)$. This is because we can construct a program $H$ that, given as inputs a program $R$ and string $X$, simultaneously does the following:

  (a) Simulate $R$ on $X$ and output $1$ if $R$ halts on $X$.

  (b) Search for a proof of $\neg total((t \mapsto R(X)))$ over $S$ and output $0$ if such a proof is found.

If $S \vdash \neg total(R)$ for every non-total program $R$, then $H$ always halts on every valid input pair. If $R$ does not halt on $X$, then (a) never terminates. If $R$ halts on $X$, then by (6) $S \vdash total(t \mapsto R(X))$ and hence (b) never terminates by consistency of $S$. Thus $H$ always outputs the correct answer, contradicting the undecidability of the halting problem.

The above shows in particular that no useful consistent formal system can prove totality of every total program. One might think that perhaps we could find a slightly less useful consistent formal system that does not interpret Robinson's arithmetic and hence escape the incompleteness theorem. But if you look at the proof of the incompleteness theorem again you see that all $S$ needs to be able to do is to correctly prove output of a program that halts on an input, as stated in (1). So at its core it is not even about arithmetic but whether or not you can verify a finite computation! Also, (3),(4),(5),(6) are other basic properties that we ourselves are capable of identifying about a program, so it would be ridiculous if our formal system is unable to. Note that (2) is not used to show that there is a total program that $S$ cannot prove is total.

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