[Math] Verify the following by mathematical induction


Verify the following by mathematical induction:

$${n \choose 0} + {n+1 \choose 1} + {n+2 \choose 2} + \cdots + {n+r \choose r} = {n+r+1 \choose r}$$

I need some help with this proof…I understand induction, but I am having trouble using it for this combinatorial identity.

Do I start with $n=1$ or $n=r=1$? And how would the induction hypothesis work?

Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Consider the following "more conventional" statement (adjust notation accordingly) of the problem:

Problem: Show that for each $n\geq 0$, $$ \sum_{i=0}^n\binom{m+i}{i}=\binom{m+n+1}{n}. $$

Proof: For each $n\geq 0$, let $S(n)$ be the declaration that for every $m\geq 0$, $$ \sum_{i=0}^n\binom{m+i}{i}=\binom{m+n+1}{n}. $$

Base step: $S(0)$ says that $\sum_{i=0}^0\binom{m+i}{i}=\binom{m+1}{0}$, which is true because both sides are equal to $1$.

Induction step: For some $k\geq 0$, assume that $S(k)$ is true. To be shown is that $S(k+1)$ is true; that is, for any $m\geq 0$, $$ \sum_{i=0}^{k+1}\binom{m+i}{i}=\binom{m+k+2}{k+1}. $$ Beginning with the LHS, \begin{align} \sum_{i=0}^{k+1}\binom{m+i}{i} &= \sum_{i=0}^k\binom{m+i}{i}+\binom{m+k+1}{k+1}\tag{defn. of $\sum$}\\[1em] &= \binom{m+k+1}{k}+\binom{m+k+1}{k+1}\tag{by $S(k)$}\\[1em] &= \binom{m+k+2}{k+1},\tag{Pascal's identity} \end{align} we obtain the RHS.

By mathematical induction, then, for all $n\geq 0, S(n)$ is true. $\Box$