[Math] Velocity of a Ball When it Hits the Ground


If a ball is thrown vertically upward from the roof of a 32 ft. tall building with a velocity of 80 ft/sec, it's height in feet after t seconds is s(t)=32+80t-16t^2

I know the maximum height is 132ft

What is the velocity of the ball when it hit's the ground (Height 0)?

Best Answer

If you know the maximum height, the answer is really simple to find - we can directly work from there, knowing that the velocity at maximum height is $0 \frac m s$ because it is, essentially, not moving as it turns from upwards motion to downwards free-fall.

Note that there are two approaches to finding this solution - one, more basic and perhaps easier to understand (but longer and more complex), the kinematic approach, using basic ideas of velocity, acceleration, and displacement - and the other, although more advanced and, much simpler - the energy approach. I'll start with the basic solution using the kinematic approach.

I. The Kinematic Approach

We know that, for any object under constant acceleration, the velocity at any point in time can be modeled by

$$v = v_0 + at$$

As previously stated, because the ball falls starting from its maximum height, the initial velocity is $0$. Therefore, the equation becomes

$$v = at$$

where $v_0$ is the initial velocity, $a$ is acceleration, and $t$ is the time elapsed. For most free fall cases, $a = -g$ (where $g$ is gravitational acceleration) as gravitational acceleration is downwards. However, in this particular case, we already know the maximum height and only need to examine the part of the trajectory that is downwards - therefore, if we simply "rotate our axes," setting the direction of motion as the positive direction, we can set $a = g$ because gravity would be working in the same direction of our current motion. Therefore, we can modify the equation to become

$$v = gt$$

Now all that's left is finding the time elapsed to reach the ground. We know, first of all, that we can find the displacement of an object under constant acceleration by averaging the initial and final velocities and multiplying that by time, thus

$$\Delta x = \frac {t(v_0 + v)} 2$$

Again, here, we know $v_0 = 0$, so the equation becomes

$$\Delta x = \frac {t(v)} 2$$

From here, we can solve for $t$ and then substitute our solution for $t$ into the previous equation to solve for $v$.

\begin{align*} \Delta x &= \frac {t(v)} 2 \quad && \\ \frac {2\Delta x} v &= t \quad && \text{Multiply both sides by $\frac 2 v$} \\ t &= \frac {2\Delta x} v \quad && \text{Solve for $t$} \end{align*}

Then, we substitute that into the previous equation:

\begin{align*} v &= gt \quad && \text{Previous equation} \\ v &= g(\frac {2\Delta x} v) \quad && \text{Substitute for $t$} \\ v &= \frac {2g\Delta x} v \quad && \text{Simplify fractions} \\ v^2 &= 2g\Delta x \quad && \text{Multiply both sides by $v$} \\ v &= \sqrt{2g\Delta x} \quad && \text{Square root both sides} \end{align*}

Then, we can plug in everything we already know to solve for $v$. Because of personal preferences ;), I'll do it in SI units:

  • $g = 9.81 \frac m {s^2}$ or $32.19 \frac {ft} {s^2}$, the gravitational acceleration
  • $\Delta x = 132 ft$ or $40.23 m$, the maximum height (or total displacement)

\begin{align*} v &= \sqrt{2 \cdot 9.81 \frac m {s^2} \cdot 40.23 m} \\ &\approx 28.04 \frac m s \\ &\approx 91.99 \frac {ft} s \text{ or } 92 \frac {ft} s \end{align*}

II. The Energy Approach

Assuming a system consisting of just the ground (gravitational force) and the ball, we can apply the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that, in any closed system, the net energy (kinetic + potential) is constant. Here, we need only to find the energy at the two endpoints of motion and equate the two.

Energy at Peak of Motion

As previously stated, the velocity is 0 at the peak of motion - therefore, the only energy present would be potential energy. We know that gravitational potential energy is given by $mgh$, where $m$ is the mass of the ball, $g$ is the gravitational acceleration, and $h$ is the height. Thus

$$E = mgh$$

Energy at Ground (Bottom)

Here, when the ball is at the ground, the height $h$ is essentially $0$ (except that tiny (negligible) bit, as it isn't quite in contact with the ground yet), and all that needs to be measured is kinetic energy. We know that kinetic energy is given by $\frac 1 2 mv^2$, therefore

$$E = \frac 1 2 mv^2$$

Conservation of Energy

Now, we can easily equate the energy representations at different points in the ball's trajectory at the two endpoints and solve for $v$.

\begin{align*} mgh &= \frac 1 2 mv^2 \quad && \text{Equate the two energy representations} \\ gh &= \frac 1 2 v^2 \quad && \text{Divide both sides by $m$} \\ 2gh &= v^2 \quad && \text{Multiply both sides by 2} \\ \sqrt{2gh} &= v \quad && \text{Square root both sides} \\ v &= \sqrt{2gh} \quad && \text{Solve for $v$} \end{align*}

Unsurprisingly, this yields the exact same result as it would with the kinematics approach - but is a much shorter and more concise solution - the only downside to this solution is that it requires a deeper understanding of Physics concepts of work and energy.