[Math] Vector word problem


I'm having real trouble understanding exactly what's going on in this word problem. Here is the problem word for word:

A submarine descends at an angle of $30^{\circ}$ below the horizontal with a heading to the northeast. If its speed is 8 knots, find the components of the velocity in the east, north, and vertical directions.

I know drawing a picture helps, but that's where I'm having trouble. I can not draw a picture because some of the wording seems to contradict itself. It says the sub is descending at an angle 30 degrees below horizontal, so it is moving downwards. Then it says the sub's heading is northeast. What?! what does this mean? In my mind, the sub has a heading of Southeast… Can anyone help me understand what the question means by "heading" and "descending"?

Best Answer

I believe it is meant in this way:

enter image description here"

ABEF is the the water surface.

A->B heads to east

A->E heads to north

your submarine is in A heading to point X

X is somewhere in the middle of FG so that angle FAX = 30 degrees. The length of AX is 8 knots.