[Math] vector function for intersection of cone and a plane


Find a vector function that represents the curve of
intersection of following two surfaces: the cone $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ and the plane $z=1+y$.

This is a question right out of Stewart's calculus text. Since the equation of a cone in parametric form is

$$x = t \cos(t),\space y = t\sin(t), \space z = t,$$

I believed the answer to this question should be

$$\vec{r}(t)= (t \cos t)\vec{i} + (t \sin t)\vec{j} + (1 + t \sin t)\vec{k},$$

but it's not the correct answer.

I would appreciate if someone can help me find the right answer.

Best Answer

One easy way to solve this is to use Cartesian coordinates to get the relations between the variables, then to translate that to a vector function.

In this case, you have two expressions for $z$. Equate them and we get



$$y=\frac 12x^2-\frac 12$$

We need to be careful of not introducing extraneous solutions in our squaring the equation, but none seem to be in evidence here.

We can set $x$ to the parameter and use the second of your equations to get

$$\vec{r}(t)=(t)\vec{i} + \left(\frac 12t^2-\frac 12\right)\vec{j} + \left(\frac 12t^2+\frac 12\right)\vec{k}$$

There are, of course, infinitely many other possibilities.

As a quick geometric check, we see that the problem asks for the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to an "edge" of the cone. The ancient Greeks knew that was nothing or a parabola. The point $(1,0,1)$ is in the intersection, so the correct answer here is not nothing. Our answer gives a "tilted parabola" so it fits.