[Math] vector equation of line


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I know that it's given by $\vec r= \vec a + \lambda\vec b$. But why ?
According to the derivation (as given in the image), I derived by observation that, the required vector equation of line is $\vec{AP}$ and it's value is $\lambda\vec b$. I derived to the previous point by the logic that, we were finding the vector equation of line that was passing through a point (P) and parallel to a vector ($\vec b$) and that vector is obviously $\vec{AP}$. But how it is said that $\vec r$ is the required vector.

Best Answer

The required vector is the position vector of the point $P$, that is the vector from the origin $O$ to $P$, i.e. : $\vec r=\vec{OP}$

The vector equation of a line is an equation that is satisfied by the vector that has its head at a point of the line. This vector is not, in general, a vector that ''lies'' on the line, unless the line passes through the origin (that is the common starting point of all vectors).

From the figure you can see that the vector $\vec r$ is such a position vector for the point $P$. For $\lambda=0$ it coincides with the vector $\vec a$(the position vector of the point $A$) and, for any other real value of $\lambda$ its head is at a point $P$ on the line that passes through $A$ and is parallel to the vector $\vec b$.

And note that $\vec r$ is the sum ( parallelogram law) of the two vectors $\vec a$ and $\lambda \vec b$.

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