[Math] “Vanishing inner product implies orthogonality” Is it a definition or theorem

inner-productslinear algebra

The definition of inner product is $\langle u,v\rangle=u_1\bar{v_1}+\cdots+u_n\bar{v_n}$. Two vectors $u,v \in V$ are said to be orthogonal if $\langle u,v\rangle=0$, where $V$ is complex vector space. But why is it true? A lot of books just present this fact without giving any proof. Why such an expression $u_1\bar{v_1}+\cdots+u_n\bar{v_n}=0$ will lead to the fact that $u$ and $v$ are orthogonal? Is it an intuition behind the expression $u_1\bar{v_1}+\cdots+u_n\bar{v_n}$ that can explain orthogonality?

I read some proof about it but they don't seem correct. For example, some said that $\langle u,v\rangle=|u||v|\cos\theta$ and thus $\theta=90^\circ$. But why are they equivalent?

Some use the Pythagoras theorem, $$\begin{array}{rl}
|u+v|^2 &=\langle u+v,u+v\rangle\\
&=|u|^2+2\langle u,v\rangle+|v|^2

So dot product $= 0$ implies orthogonality, but this only works for real vector space. So why exactly inner product $= 0$ implies orthogonality?

Best Answer

Just to clarify the excellent other answers and Willie Wong's illucid comment:

Orthongonal := inner product equals zero--- a linear algebra term about vectors (applies to all vector spaces); is a definition.

Perpendicular := intersect at a right angle--- a geometry term about lines, planes or higher dimensional hyper-planes (applies to Euclidean planes and spaces); is a definition.

$\mathbb R^n$ representing Euclidean $n$-space and vectors in $\mathbb R^n$ representing Euclidean lines or planes or hyper planes; is an interpretation.

In $\mathbb R^n$, orthogonal if and only if perpendicular; is a theorem (which is provable by the Pythagorean Theorem)

(-- and which is frequently not considered an important theorem and ignored, as many [most?] texts do not considered classic geometry to be important; instead all geometry is only interpreted in linear algebra terms, in which "perpendicular" is not used.)

(In a way, asking why orthogonal/perpendicular means inner product is $0$, is like asking why $\{(t, t(x)+a|x \in \mathbb R^n\}$ is a line. It's a result of interpreting classical geometry into analytical terms, and then deciding the classical interpretation is no longer pertinent and, from then on, only using the analytic interpretation as the very basis and definition of geometry instead.)

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