[Math] Values of a, b, and c that the curve $y = ax^3 + 3x^2 + bx + cx + e^x$ has one point of inflection


For what values of a, b and c does the curve $y = ax^3 + 3x^2 + bx + cx + e^x$ have exactly one point of inflection? Two points of inflection? No points of inflection? Provide a numerical approximation for the lowest value of a for which there is no inflection point.

I'm really stumped on this question. I've tried finding the second derivative but couldn't think of anything else to do from that point. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

As you stated in the comments, the second derivative is $$y'' = 6ax + 6 + e^x = 0$$

First, we note that if $a=0$ the equation becomes $$ 6 + e^x = 0$$ which has no real solutions, thus there are no inflection points.

Rewriting the equation as $$x = -\dfrac{6+e^x}{6a}$$ or $$x = -\dfrac1{a} \cdot \left(1 + \dfrac 16 e^x \right)$$ makes the behavior clearer.

If $a \gt 0$ we can see that $x$ must be negative and thus $e^x < 1$ and there will be a solution in the neighborhood of $x = -\dfrac1a$.

I will leave the case where $a \lt 0$, thus $x \gt 0$ for you to consider.