Recreational Mathematics – Using Digits and Operators to Make 100


I know the answer is $(7+7)*(7+(1/7))$ or a more ghetto answer is $177-77$.

I'm not interested in the answer, more in the problem itself.

  1. What is the name of this class of problem?
  2. Is there a repeatable process I can apply to solve it? Or is it one that requires some sort of intuition? ie. Given a different set of digits and operators, could I follow the same process to derive the answer?

I'm a software engineer so my first reaction was to try all combinations of the digits and operators and evaluate each to see if it was $100$. Obviously there are a lot of combinations!

Best Answer

As it turns out GUILE Scheme does provide hash tables. In order to leave this discussion in an acceptable state for future viewers, I am posting an implementation of the above algorithm using hash tables, which makes for a much simpler and much more readable solution.

This is the code:

(use-modules (ice-9 format))

(define (digits-table mincnt maxcnt maxit minv maxv)
  (let ((layers (make-vector (+ 1 maxit))) 
       (allsols (make-hash-table))
       (initial (make-hash-table)))
     (lambda (ex-p)
       (hash-set! initial (car ex-p) (cdr ex-p)))
     '((1 . "1") (7 . "7") (17 . "17") (77 . "77")
       (71 . "71")  (777 . "777") (177 . "177")
       (717 . "717") (771 . "771")))
    (vector-set! layers 0 initial)
       (lambda (ht v s)
        (let ((ent (hash-ref ht v)))
          (if (or (and ent 
                     (> (string-length ent) 
                        (string-length s)))
                 (not ent))
              (hash-set! ht v s)))))
       (lambda (res a b)
        (let* ((ha (vector-ref layers a))
              (hb (vector-ref layers b)))
           (lambda (v1 s1)
              (lambda (v2 s2)
               (if (not (and (string-contains s1 "1")
                            (string-contains s2 "1")))
                     res (+ v1 v2)
                     (format #f "(~a)+(~a)" s1 s2))
                     res (- v1 v2)
                     (format #f "(~a)-(~a)" s1 s2))
                     res (* v1 v2)
                     (format #f "(~a)*(~a)" s1 s2))
                     (if (not (zero? v2))
                         res (/ v1 v2)
                         (format #f "(~a)/(~a)" s1 s2))))))
              hb)) ha) res)))
       (lambda (k)
        (if (not (= maxit k))
            (let ((res (make-hash-table)))
              (do ((a 0 (1+ a))) ((> a k))
               (combine res a (- k a)))
              (vector-set! layers (1+ k) res)
              (iter (1+ k)))))))
     (iter 0)
          (lambda (l)
            (if (not (null? l))
               (let ((ex-p (car l)))
                    (format #f "~35a ~20a ~8f" 
                           (cdr ex-p) (car ex-p) 
                           (exact->inexact (car ex-p))))
                   (do-disp (cdr l))))))))
       (do ((a 0 (1+ a))) ((> a maxit))
         (lambda (v s) (insert allsols v s))
         (vector-ref layers a)))
        (lambda (p) 
          (and (<= minv (car p)) (<= (car p) maxv)
              (<= mincnt (string-count (cdr p) #\7) maxcnt)
              (= (string-count (cdr p) #\1) 1)))
          (lambda (v s prior) (cons (cons v s) prior))
          '() allsols)
         (lambda (ex-p1 ex-p2) 
           (< (car ex-p1) (car ex-p2))))))))) '())

This will produce output e.g. like this

guile> (digits-table 7 7 4 300 305)
((77)*((7)+(7)))-((1)+(777))        300                     300.0
(71)+((77)+((77)+(77)))             302                     302.0
(777)/((1)+((77)/((7)*(7))))        1813/6               302.1667
((7)+(77))/((7)/((177)/(7)))        2124/7               303.4286
(77)*(((777)/(71))-(7))             21560/71             303.6620
(71)*((77)/((7)+((77)/(7))))        5467/18              303.7222