[Math] Using SVD in PCA for image compression


I found some help material and guided by it tried to implement PCA using SVD in MAtlab for image compression.

I did it in this way:

I = imread('1.jpg');
I2 = rgb2gray(I);


C = S;



And now D contain a matrix that looks like my image but kindly smoothed, but this matrix has the same dimesion as my start image. I expected that PCA will reduce not only number of features but also dimension..

Obviosly I do not understand something.

Well – reduction here means that I can restore initial data with some precision from matrices that much less than my data?

But multiplication of these matrices gives me matrix with same dimension as my initial matrix.

I want to use reduced data for training a classifier. In this case what I shloud use dor training?

In a ML course on Coursera we learned to use PCA with SVD for dimensionality redcution:


1) Suppose we have four images 50×50. We did form a matrix X 4×2500; First step is normalazing this matrix: X(:,j) = X(:,j) – Mean(X(:,j));

2) Calculate covariance matrix:
Sigma = (1 / m) * X' * X;

3) [U, S, V] = svd(sigma);

4) Obtain reduced examples of images: Zi = U'reduce * X(1,:); where Ureduce is subset of matrix U. If we had an image with 2500 pixels then with this action we can obtain an image of, for example, 1600 pixels(any number, depends of how many columns we will leave in Ureduce from U).

Best Answer

You can indeed store the information with less data. The SVD gives the best $k$-rank approximation of the image. If we take the SVD of the image $I$, then $I = USV$, where $U$ and $V$ are the left and right singular vectors and $S$ is the matrix of singular values. We can then make the $k$-rank approximation by

$I = \sum\limits_{n=1}^k u_n \sigma_n v_n^T.$

WE can then make a good approximation with a fraction of the data. For example here's a $512$ $\times$ $512$ image of Lena. enter image description here

And here are a few low rank approximations to the image. You can see by $k=50$, we are getting something very similar visually which contains only $51250$ bit of information compared to $512^2$, just less than a quarter of the data.

enter image description here

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