[Math] Using metric to raise and lower indices

general-relativitymathematical physicstensors

Everything I read on tensors makes it clear that using the metric matrix $g_{ab}$ and its inverse $g^{ab}$ to respectively lower and raise indices of a tensor is very important. As far as I know (and I might be wrong) a tensor is defined to be something whose representation in coordinates $x^\alpha$ and $x'^\alpha$ is related either by a specific combination of partial derivatives of the new coordinates w.r.t. the old coordinates or vice-versa, the combination given by (for [1,1] tensors, for example)

$T'^a_b=\dfrac{\partial x'^c}{\partial x^a } \dfrac{\partial x^b}{\partial x'^d}T^c_d$
where the upper indices are called contravariant and the lower covariant. I understand that given a covariant vector say $x^\mu$, we define $x_\mu:=g_{\mu \nu}x^{\nu}$. My first problem is that I'm not sure why $x_\mu $ defined in this way should be covariant i.e. I'm not sure that this is well defined.

Secondly, if I write something like $V^\alpha$, am I implying that this is contravariant? Say I have a vector that is neither contravariant nor covariant, that is, just a collection of $n$ measurements in a vector $(a_1,a_2,\dots, a_n)$ and I write this as $a_i$. In a general relativity setting, am I implying that this is covariant?

I'm new to general relativity, so it would be really helpful if in addition to the two questions I had, someone could confirm that what I've written otherwise is correct (or tell me that I've got it completely wrong!). Thanks for any help.

If $g_{ab}$ complies with the tensor notation then in the new coordinates

$g'_{ab}=\dfrac{\partial x^c}{\partial x'^a } \dfrac{\partial x^d}{\partial x'^b}g_{cd}$ and so

$g'_{ab}x'^b=(\dfrac{\partial x^c}{\partial x'^a } \dfrac{\partial x^d}{\partial x'^b}g_{cd})(\dfrac{\partial x'^b}{\partial x^e}x^e$)

and since $\dfrac{\partial x^d}{\partial x'^b } \dfrac{\partial x'^b}{\partial x^e}=4\delta^d_e$ (where $\delta^d_e$=1 iff $d=e$, otherwise $\delta^d_e=0$), the coefficient of 4 because 4 goes from 0 to 3, I get to

$g'_{ab}x'^b=4\dfrac{\partial x^c}{\partial x'^a }g_{cd}\delta^d_e x^e=4\dfrac{\partial x^c}{\partial x'^a }g_{cd}x^d$

I'm quite close but there's a factor of 4 that shouldn't be there?

Best Answer

The terms "contravariant" and "covariant" refer to how vectors change when you move from one coordinate system to another. So just declaring a vector like $V$ or $[2,2]$ does not make it contra or covariant. It's what you do with it that matters.

For example, let's say there is coordinate system representing the width and length of furniture in meters. A vector $[2,2]$ in this coordinate system could mean two different things:

Firstly, it could be the dimensions of a piece of furniture: 2 meters by 2 meters. That would be a contravariant vector. The reason is that if you transform into a feet coordinate system, the numbers $[2,2]$ would get bigger $[6.28,6.28]$ while the measurements (aka basis vectors) get smaller (feet are smaller than meters). Since the numbers vary contrary to the bases, it's a contravariant vector.

But $[2,2]$ could also represent a function for computing the perimeter of the furniture. If you had a desk that was 1.5m x 3m, you can find the perimeter by multiplying by $[2,2]$. Eg the perimeter is $[2,2] * [1.5,3] = 2*1.5 + 2*3 = 9$. To transform that function into feet (so you get the same answer), the vector $[2,2]$ would have to get smaller $[0.6,0.6]$. Since the numbers co-vary with the bases, it's a covariant vector.

So you have to know what the vector does and how it transforms in order to determine whether it's contravariant or covariant.

For the summing $\frac{\partial x^d}{\partial x'^b}$ is a 4x4 matrix. Multiplying any matrix by its inverse results in the identity matrix, which is the same as the Kronecker Delta $\delta$. Each entry in the result will be a sum with 4 parts, but they'll cancel out to leave either 1 or 0.

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