[Math] Using Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula to show that boolean functions over finite fields are polynomials


Let $F_2$ be the set of all the functions from the finite field $GF(2^n)$ of $2^n$ elements to $GF(2)$. I am reading a textbook that proves that the elements of $F_2$ can be represented by polynomials; the authors use the Lagrange Interpolation Formula.

They say:

Any function $f\in F_2$ using Lagrange interpolation and noticing that $x^{2^n}=x $ for $x\in GF(2^n)$ can be represented as a polynomial of degree $\leq 2^n-1$.
In other words, we may define the (discrete) Fourier transform for functions in $F_2$ in terms of Lagrange interpolation.

Definition: For $f\in F_2$ the discrete Fourier Transform of $f$ is defined to be
$$ A_k=\sum_{x\in {GF(2^n)}^*} f(x)x^{-k},\quad k=1,\dots,\,2^n-1,\; A_0=f(0) $$

They also note that $A_{2^{n}-1}=\sum_{x\in {GF(2^n)}^*}f(x)$. So far so good. But then they simply state that:

The inverse of the formula [above] is given as follows:
$$f(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{2^n-1}A_k x^k, x\in GF(x^n)^*$$

Then they go on and say that this means that $F_2$ consists of polynomials.

Could somebody please explain or give some hints about how they got that inverse above? In particular, how exactly was the Lagrange interpolation formula used?

Best Answer

It sounds like they're just using the Lagrange interpolation formula as an existence argument: you know there exists a polynomial in $x$ taking prescribed values on $GF(2^n)$, and because $x^{2^n}=x$ you know this polynomial can be taken to have degree at most $2^n-1$.

Then one verifies the inverse formula by hand. For any $c\in GF(2^n)^*$ we have $0=c-c^{2^n}=(c^1+\dots+c^{2^n-1})(1-c)$, so $c=1$ or $\sum_{k=1}^{2^n-1}c^k=0$. Thus $$\sum_{k=1}^{2^n-1}\sum_{y\in GF(2^n)^*} f(y) x^k y^{-k}=\sum_{y\in GF(2^n)^*} f(y) \sum_{k=1}^{2^n-1} x^k y^{-k}=(2^n-1)f(x)=f(x).$$

Note that this transform consists of a separate transformation between $f(0)$ and $A_0$ (actually equality) and a transformation between $(f(1),\dots,f(2^n-1))$ and $(A_1,\dots,A_{2^n-1})$.

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