[Math] Using Divergence Theorem on boundary of surface


Use the Divergence Theorem to evaluate $$ \iint_{S} \vec{F} \cdot \hat{n}\,dS, $$ where $ \vec{F} = \langle 4x, 2y^2, z^2 \rangle, S $ is the boundary of the region defined by $ x^2 + y^2 + z^2 \leq 4,\,\, 0 \leq z \leq 3 $ and $\hat{n} $ is the unit outward normal

Attempt: The word 'boundary' is confusing me a little. So the surface is the curved part of a cylinder from $z=0$ to $z=3$. In cylindrical coordinates, $ x = 2\cos\theta, y = 2\sin\theta, z = z$. Using the Div. Thm gives $\text{div} \vec{F} = 4 + 4y + 2z $, so I have $$ \iiint_{E} 4+4y+2z\,dV,$$ Am I correct to write this as $$ \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2} \int_{0}^{3} (4 + 8\sin\theta + 2z)\,r\,dz\,dr\,d\theta? $$ I am not sure because the question wanted the surface to be just the boundary but here I am integrating over the whole surface. Then again, I think this could be a feature of the div theorem. If we are just integrating on the boundary, then what would dV be?
Many thanks

Best Answer

The region described is not a cylinder. It is a sphere of radius 4 cut by the planes $z=0,3$. Spherical coordinates is most appropriate for this problem.

When you apply the divergence theorem, you establish an equality between a volume integral and a surface integral with a very particular relationship in what they integrate over. Any volume must have some boundary surface(s). The volume integral is over some region, and the corresponding surface integral in the divergence theorem is only over the boundary surfaces of that region.

If the region were a cube, the volume integral would be over the whole cube. The surface integral would be over the 6 faces of the cube.

In this case, the region is (part of) a sphere. The volume integral is over that region, and the surface integral is over two planar surfaces and part of a spherical surface.

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